Right Hand Drive Guys

Live From IA - Tim Schultz

RHDGUYS Season 1 Episode 86

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In our Live from IA episode, we chat with Tim Schultz. An OG in the Honda game, and current EK9 CTR owner. Listen along as we chop it up with an old friend at the Import Alliance Summer Meet 2024.

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Hey, and welcome back to the next episode of the right hand drive guys podcast the podcast for guys who like right hand drives I'm Bobby. This is Aaron. Yeah, yo, and we are back in the garage Unfortunately, we wish we were somewhere else like dude back at IA back at IA I was a blast if you listen to last week's episode we did it on Friday right at the beginning of IA and Dude, yeah, we got to catch up with so many people that we hadn't really gotten to Interact with and you know potentially 10 15 years. Yeah, yeah, we got like so many more friends and we realized dude seriously I mean just Either driving through the pits or just walking through dude. I was like oh, hey, yo, yo, like dude. It was crazy Like how many people that kind of forgot I knew other than on Facebook and stuff and they're still doing it Yeah, yeah, and you know some of those people like this was their first time out in a while too. Yeah, so that was cool So yeah shout out to all the you know Tennessee Kentucky Georgia Alabama homies that came out and we got to interact with That was good time. So yeah, I mean Aaron got to drift. Yeah, yeah, that was fun. That was cool. Got to beat on my car a bit Yeah, and it came back with no dense things still some decent tires on the rear Yeah, yeah, unfortunately it was like torrential downpouring. Yeah, yeah, so track out a little bit messy So yeah, it got a little bit dirty, but it's taked with mud. Yeah Nothing a little pressure wash and can't fix right but you know, so he had a blast it was it was all good fun This couple let me share their big umbrella with him. So only my left arm was like drenched nice He was good. Tells how to go back But so we did manage to you know pump out one Live from my interview and that was with a long time friend of both of ours Tim Schultz and Tim's been in the game for quite a while as you'll hear and he currently drives a EK 9 Civic type R so he is definitely a part of the right hand drive family. Awesome man. All right, let's get to it. This is Tim Schultz All right, and we're back with Tim Schultz. What's up Tim dad? How's it going pretty good man? So you know me and Aaron we got like quite a long history with Tim We'll get into the gun show thing. Yeah, I think that's where it really started for us, but So so we kind of know about Tim But Tim just just tell us like who you are where you live what you do that type of thing Currently and I'm in Indy right now Been in the car world for God it seems like forever. I don't know probably going on 20 years 20 years at this point That's longer than some of our listeners have been alive. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sink it. And then I'll start it within 89 CRX SI What I was 15 so Be on well be 38 this year. So I mean it was before then when I was kind of getting into it So wow. Yeah, I mean if you think about it, you know, you probably can't even find CRX SI right now. There's two here right now That was like and they're both black and I was like, oh, that's that's literally what I had You know like bone stock black you know CRX SI and Yeah, you know and people may fund me because I mean you I mean high school, you know And you got this big dude all of a sudden I just hop out of this, you know tiny little car like what are you doing? I'm like it's fun to drive you know, and I didn't really know much about it then You know kind of getting into that world and this was back in oh Three-ish oh two oh three so you know that at that time you're looking at a 1215, you know Year-old car was it rusty? It wasn't you know stuff like that really that we didn't really have to worry about too much like that then and You know the 992,000 size were out and you know people at that time At you know, we're doing the B16 swaps and you know the course you had the EK 9 swaps and stuff like that They were way out of the price range for something You know that I would want to do as a 15-year-old as a 15-year-old working at KFC You know, I'm screaming and shaking That was dude. I was I was you know they let me cook chicken one time and they were like you know what you're done You keep selling it. If you selling it, we're good. You know, I'm saying they were like no, no, no, you stay up front I was a good salesperson for them. So they just let me do that. You know, they didn't let me cook it so and I mean at the time maybe You didn't realize that That first car was like actually an awesome first car. Yeah. Yeah, no, it was You know and looking back. I'm like man. There's a lot of stuff a lot of cool things. I really could have done to it That you know being that young 15-year-old, you know You kind of go through this phase as I had the red lights on the inside which is ironic that cars are now coming with red lights Literally on the inside, you know what I mean? Yeah, so I had that ambiate lighting back then, you know with his little pet boys Starder kits, you know to be even had the had the wiper LED, you know, there's the white snow washer Yeah, the washer nozzles spray lights, you know And then of course, you know like five minutes later. I'm like, well, this is stupid looking. You know, it's a great idea great concept and then you put it on you like, okay, yeah, this is not what I wanted um, and then and actually bought that car from At a lot of people may know Matt Thornton from back in the day. Yep. Rest in peace. He is unfortunately not here anymore But had the cleanest prelude on the face of the earth and actually bought that car from him And so I kept in contact with him throughout the years and he was kind of like my mentor in the JDM world So he is the one that really kind of triggered Hey, you should look at spoon, you know, so I went there was a place It's called thrust or something like that way back in the day like an river gate There was a place the JDM importer, you know, that did the you know, they had you know, of course gods motor the LS motors and yeah The order, you know, B-16s and stuff like that they imported stuff. They weren't around very long But they had spoon stuff. So I went there about a spoon knob that's where that kind of started transitioning over into um, what kind of really led into that and I would always call him like, hey, what does this mean or how does how does this work? He was the he was my buddy that I had a 91 That Robin's egg blue Oh, yeah, that I did a I was I planned on repain the whole car Amazon green or something off the ridge line. Yeah, um, so but he built my LS V tech was one of the first wire tucked cars really in the national area Other than his because nobody really did that then right it wasn't really a thing. Yeah, you know chase bays and ride wire They weren't really like a big thing yet, you know, they were kind of around but nothing really like that Um, you know, then I've traded that car and I went to I literally have had every making model of Honda from 89 to my type R was 2018 Almost everything. Yeah, literally. I've had anything from the CRX to multiple integrals of the night in the D.A. You know, years I've had a four door EF sedan um 92 preludes I haven't had the the new origin prelude but even down to had a accord sport like a 2013 or 2014 accord sport. Yeah, I had a 2018 Type R, you know, right. I've kind of flavor of multiple No, I don't even know how many 97 hatchbacks. So you're a Honda guy. I am a Honda guy through and through I've dabbled I've dabbled into 350 z market Had that for a little bit. I had a 22 Supra for a little bit. Yeah, I love the car Actually, we'd probably still have it today if it was tiny bit bigger. I'm just too big of a guy Yeah, and I can imagine that's a a challenge finding a car that you're super comfortable in right that you can Just be happy going out and jumping in without the struggle, you know That your height challenged in the positive way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and all these cars are not made for me You know, and so you have to kind of make them eight for you, you know, and that's even down to I had an S2000 from most that was one of my longest standing cars that I owned was S2000 Wow, other than my green car Which was down probably for most of its life, but The S2000 I had for several years. I think almost four years Um, you know, I don't keep things long probably Maybe a year is kind of my Yeah, and that's kind of how you're you're getting a lot of this experience a lot of guys But well, why doesn't he just stick with the car? Well, how do you know what you love if you haven't tried it right? How do you know and so to rewind and touch on the math Thornton thing real quick I think that the fact that you had a mentor that was not only educated Inknowledgeable, but also like hands-on. Yeah, man that is priceless because You don't get that that often right and I thought it was like he had a you know, a Honda tuning cover car right and I painted his side skirts and his front and rear lift like you know He it was kind of one of those things that we kind of we traded off work a lot Like I would help him he would help me He was so meticulous super awesome dude I actually have my one and only tattoo that I have he drew And it was actually his garage had These pistons and I was like dude. I want that as a tattoo and my grandpa passed back in '04 and I was like I want that with my grandpa's initials things like that And so he drew it up and I framed it at Took it to the lady and she tattooed it And so I actually have a piece of him with me all the time I mean that's how much he kind of means to me in a super good memory. Yeah, yeah, so Yeah, and so So you were slinging KFC and so you know, this is 20 or so years ago, right? And so What like there's obviously a transition there, but what do you do today? I actually work in the agent disabled industry. So I work with a place that we you know, we put hand controls in cars People with disabilities that you know have the lower floor mid-evan conversions. Oh like mobility stuff In the mobility stuff. Yeah, so I don't sell like wheelchairs and scooters I sell the stuff that you can get around in essentially so you can we do like the the hitch lifts and stuff like still automotive base Still automotive back. I just can get out of it. You know, I can get out of it. It's a different genre Because it's a definitely it's a need right, you know, it's something that's always gonna be there um, and I kind of honestly You know every one of my jobs has led to the next job and it's really weird and that's a very long story We thought I don't have time for all that but It's really every one of my jobs has led me to the next job and so You know import alliance here has Led me to hybrid and then that's when I moved to Baton Rouge Yeah, and then when I left hybrid this so that the company that I work for now they have multiple locations at the time They only had nine when I started I've been there for over 10 years now, but They opened up their store two doors down from hybrid had no clue where they were Wow I went in for an interview after I had left for hybrid and then You know the rest is history. I've moved all over since then But I've lived with them since then and so When he's saying hybrid he's talking about the hybrid racing the hybrid racing Yeah, and if you're on YouTube you can see it on his shirt. Yeah, I still wrap them. They're they're my family They were a huge part of Of my world this guy over here. We had one of the I don't know one of the probably Funnest nights of my life right before I left Nashville Yeah, you know that was uh it was crazy. It was such a fun time all my friends here. Yeah, it was I go the best going away party. I still trying to take you know staying contact with most everybody You know mostly through Facebook and stuff like that kind of like everybody as you get older the kids and married and you know Everything. Yeah, yeah, life right? So yeah, and actually what started the hybrid part was in port alliance in oh nine I think it was oh nine they had debuted their um Del Sol the famous graffiti. Yeah, yeah, so the famous profitee engine bay Del Sol. Yep. Oh yeah I remember it was down there. It was right down there. Uh, I had taken a pitch. I was into photography at the time It's that Carter got me into it, you know, oh yeah, that's that car. Yeah Um, and uh he had worked with me and uh, so I'd gotten into photography and you know Just tried to play with it and I took a picture of their engine bay and was actually really awesome picture Uh in david which is still with with hybrid uh, he hit me up wanting the picture and now it's like hey Let's let's work out something. I'm building this car that I'm painting green. I do have a b-series I would love to go k but you know Again at that time I was working at a sign shop. So he was like hey, let's let's talk Let's let you know I so ended up doing like a lot of their business cards A lot of the hybrid stickers Um, if you're super OG, uh, I made that um, I did a lot of that the awesome sauce. Yeah awesome. The awesome sauce came from David and I's brain Uh, that was an idea that was supposed to just be a sticker. Yeah, um, so that was just a slap sticker essentially. Yep Uh, that turned into a air freshener once actually went to go work for them that we had turned that into an air freshener I was still about five or six of those. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So many thousands. I better Well, I think like the next year or the year after after I had started with them We came here and I had my element. That was when I messed my knee up And we were just driving around throwing out awesome sauces just like everybody was just like uh, we love it You know, uh, that was it was just a great time But yeah, so we kind of traded off work for a little bit Uh, it was just like hey again And I think that's a big part of the car world. You kind of like you scratched my back. I scratched your back, right? You know It's community. Yeah, and so uh, they used that picture to this day on a lot of their stuff and which is awesome I'm like, yeah, took that picture. I don't take pictures anymore. I with my phone, you know, but I don't I don't actually take pictures anymore with camera anymore But um, that's kind of what transitioned one day we were talking we always just chatted on uh Back in the day was like Gmail chat or whatever, you know And so we're talking you know because he's like, I had any 50 stickers of this or whatever and he was like, hey, I think we need a salesperson I was like, well, I'll come down Ironically, I was really good friends with Chase from Chase Bay's yeah, um, and he was like, hey, I'm gonna go down to hybrid too Like let's go down to New Orleans as party So I go down for an interview at hybrid and that night we all go to New Orleans uh and party and have a really good time and I guess I passed the interview because I got hired That's a good like core memory, right? Yeah, well, I got a picture I actually texted to chase their days. I popped in my Facebook. I'm like how are kids man? You know that and that was back in oh Nine and ten when all that went down So then I moved down there and so speaking of this sticker shop, right like so I actually had met you Pretty much through him because he was like he had the so if you don't remember, you know back in the day like oh nine 2010 whatever The gun show from rogue status was a really popular pattern and I see errands 180 and it's got it all across the hood and I'm like dude. I have got to have that and So I hit Tim up and he did work at a sign shop and he gladly printed me out some but what how did you meet Tim? Uh, I think it was uh the north Nashville car meets Yeah, it was like just speed support all the mutual friends all kind of just Fell into place. Yeah, yeah, and that was back in the forums day four days like I feel like the community yeah, 10 speed on that. Do shallow to 10. What was your username Tim? You know, I was probably was IMT shults that is my I think that's been my thing forever Because I used to you know my email It you know was it I actually hate giving out my email because I feel like people think it's like my my birth year But it's like no, that's just my favorite year for my car, you know, it's 97 right? You know, so I'm like here's my resume 97 on it. You know, I probably just changed that but um, but no, I think it was probably through 10 speed Uh, and then I think you were friends with like Chris Vistintes and stuff like that Yeah, yeah, so a lot of the people we all kind of like met uh Drew and in his brother We all kind of met at like one time and it was just like Yeah, hey cool. Let's go hang out at like uh was it tint? Uh, what was the place? Uh, they're in Rivergate Uh, 10 speed support. Yeah, we go there hang out there Friday on Thursday nights and whatever Cows in a ruckus. Yeah, go to hooters or go to you know, eat some wings or go to chilies and then Just became a thing. Yeah, that's dope and so so you did mention it and and I got to bring it up because this This car is iconic Tim Schultz Most people that know you will bring up the green car the green car tell us a little bit about the green car Man that green car went a lot of phases uh that green car Uh, my parents we had like a two car or like a three car like separated, you know garage or whatever and started off in the one car like a touch garage right and I mean my buddy uh next one We were just like we're bored right where let's just Let's just start taking stuff apart and then it kind of like he kind of fade out. I was like okay. I guess I'm just take a step apart You know like are you whatever you know and I've done it before just not on I'm not on like a 97 civic chassis We're all pretty much the same, you know, and so yeah 10 males 17 14 12 you're good like that's it. That's all you need You know and so I started taking it apart and um Then I started ordering parts that was of course you know back in the day of the Hanatek, you know forums and stuff So you're like Okay, what if I want to do this? How am I gonna do it the best way with the kind of budget that I have, you know So I again reached out to Matt and he was like okay order these fittings for this brake line. I'll help you bend them flare him whatever um and then it kind of got to a point where when I stripped it down completely um the car was originally red and Slightly a backup. I went to go buy this car from a some old dude in middle of nowhere Kentucky. I found it on I don't even know what's uh, but back then it wasn't auto-trader I don't even know what it was back then, but he says it was a great car. It was perfect, right? I get there the quarter panel was bashed in And I'm like dude like what's up with this, you know, and he gave me he gave me some discount on it so whatever so Fast forward I knew it at some point bodywork was gonna have to be done. So on that green car um I pretty much replaced Like the passenger door the whole front ends one quarter panel and All like the bumpers tell lights headlights every the whole car was pretty much brand new Minus the roof and one quarter panel and one door everything was new. Did you do all that yourself as far as I'm working on it? So I did I actually at the time I had met a I when I went through school for auto body so I went to school for auto body and paint um And I had met a guy through I was in an internship kind of thing through a Cadillac And so I was working at a Cadillac dealership in the buy shop and one of the guys there Was did it at his house come to the side project nice a case of beer in 300 bucks the homie No, and he went through the whole car and fixed all the dents replaced the quarter panel primed it got everything blocked out everything was perfect Uh, and and so at that point The car comes back to me. I start kind of scuffered up and then I'm kind of like what color do we paint it you know and I worked at Honda at the time. I was like a little detailer, you know And my buddy was like do this new color on the CRV is really cool. Yes, and my buddy Corey shot out to him. He's actually gonna try to come by today um He was like it's called green tea and I'm like what you know green tea metallic and um That's the color I went Google this Green teeming metallic because I remember when you like Revealed it. Yeah, and that it's like it is such an awesome color the metallic really makes it stand out And it's it's uh, it's very similar to the Lexus Green or whatever. Yeah, I can't remember like the Lexus kind of has their own version of it Um, but when you see a green tea metallic CRV going on the road you don't think much about it But when you put it on something that's so different. Uh, it definitely stood out and that was kind of uh The that was like all right cool. Now I painted it So I painted the bay first and then I painted the inside of my and my parents house and then I started with the B series um, did that got it started And then I drove like I drove it on the trailer got it to the my school that I went to My teacher was super awesome. I still actually talked to him to this day It's give you ever need to paint anything let me know and I'm like yeah, I'm four hours away. It's kind of hard. Yeah Um, but he still runs the school. Uh, he's super awesome guy and um, so Uh, painted the outside I get it back to my house and in the middle of all of that is when I Meet hybrid and that's when that transition happened from going from a running and then just had a LS in it had a running LS Uh, B series in it. Yeah, uh, so I had a forelug on it and at the time I bought five lug So then I put that on there and was able to find like my dream spec C-28 So then that was like the the green car on the bronze C-28 Then everything kind of started piecing together at one time. I had a bone X wing that nobody really messed with You know, so I had the bone me and then I didn't even put running that wing but um, you know And then I just had a bunch of random stuff and I had the the old school like the 9698 the newton lip on it That you really don't see and I'm a kind of which I saw that that was now Even you know at the time you don't even think much about that but Um, so that's when I moved uh, and the car was in a million pieces and I moved to high and moved to baton Rouge to work for hybrid So then we came up like a month or two after I moved uh and brought it down there and actually never repainting the whole car In fact re-color the same color because When I painted it the first time I it was kind of like not really rushed But I didn't have a whole lot of time to do like Let me do just like the fenders the hoods the bumpers I kind of had to do a lot at one time and I was really squeezed for space. Yeah So it just didn't feel right and I my OCD kind of kicked in and I was like, yeah, you know what? I'd rather just scuff it and re-shoot it. Yeah, and so I did that and then um, my engine bay The more my brake lines had leaked and ate some of the paint. So I re-sprayed the bay green So I did so the car actually has two paint and jobs on the outside Three on the ins out on the engine bay because um, I got bored and I was like cool like two weeks before one of the imported Lines is I pulled the motor out and painted the engine bay gray Um, okay, so that's how it ended up. Yeah, and so I did like the gray engine bay with like the green tea valve cover Yeah, um, and that is how the car ended up Um, so if you see it in the Honda 2D. It's made with an LS the whole time. LS No, because at that time I had sold the LS and I bought a case series before I moved to battery So I had sold the LS sold the four lug and bought the five lug and then I had kind of put it back together somewhat to a roll Um, and I think I had mounted the motor in the car just so I didn't have to have an extra motor and all that stuff to ship it down So and then when I got to hybrid that's when we finished it up and we we kind of used that as a little test mule You know, we did like an intake on it. We did a couple of different newer parts on it um But for the most part I mean it wasn't pretty much a hybrid catalog everything on it was hybrid of course, you know as as I worked there but Um, and so because hybrid racing Essentially of course their Honda, but they focus on case series at this point at that point It was case series only and you know, they really didn't dabble into anything else You know now they definitely do you know, they have the B-Series stuff with my current car is and so They have Stepped over into the B-Series world ironically going backwards backwards, you know And then still it sells great, you know, that's and that was happy for him because I was I'd always pushed for that when I worked there and that was one of my things that I could never understand I'm like I get it, you know, I understand like, you know, it's all case series stuff, but I'd everybody wants to go k Yeah, it's not that you really can afford it. It's just that you've just maybe you know, it's not that it's a purest thing It's just maybe just don't want to do that. Yeah, maybe like the B-Series guy. Yeah Just like you have eight series people or f-Series or whatever or you know It's just kind of one of those things of just trying to have it you know A little your name on a little bit of everything right, you know And if you already kind of have the engineering behind it, this kind of just changed up a little bit You know the biggest differences cables versus rods. Yep so and so So okay, I got a little story um, I've already said on the podcast multiple times um My next car is a civic type R and EK9 as you know back when I did live in Nashville That's what I had was a knee K9 civic type R with some yellow te 37s on it and So you know, I I'll go I keep my eye on these things right just just as all of the guys do right and I see the silver one pop up on bring a trailer And I showed Aaron. He's like dude bid on it and you know silver. Yeah, silver's not Necessarily my color. I'm definitely a white guy championship white when it comes to the civics, but You know, it was it was a pretty decent looking car and and everything kind of checked out and So I start bidding on this thing and I I had a max bid and it comes down to the very wire right and Somebody else who and I didn't even look at the username somebody else outbid me at the last minute and I was like It's their car, you know, I'm not I'm not going any higher because this could get dangerous right and you know I'm friends with Tim on Facebook and you know, I keep an eye on him see what he's doing You always got to keep an eye on this guy anyways, but he's never known. Yes, and what do I see? This dang silver civic pops up in his garage and so I was I was actually bidding against him here and and in hindsight I'm actually real happy that it was you and you ended up coming across it because You know, it seemed like a solid car and I knew that you were kind of in between cars in a sense, you know what I mean And and so now this is what you have today. Yep. Yep So in the 98 type R and it's I think it's got about 80 or 90,000 kilometers on it. I mean it's pretty low mileage There's definitely I mean it's it's a what 26 Yeah, whatever you'll car and so it's not perfect and out again I'm used to new cars. I had you know the last Real like you know fun car for me was the type bar with 98 or the 98 the 2018 type R sold that then I had the Then I had a 2020 Tundra so I kind of stepped over into the truck world for a little bit But it was again. I was brand new and then I had the 2022 Supra which was it was used But I mean they was garage kept it was pretty much brand new not a scratch on it or anything So now I go back to like everybody's looking at me like at work When when that bidding happened that came out of my office. I'm like Yeah, kind of accidentally just bought another car You know like oops And I was like my wife too Like accidentally. Yeah, that's like you know, and you know I knew the guy that was selling it and we had actually already talked previously about it About me behind it and then it just it kind of was one of the situations where like I was like I got the Supra and We need it right now. I want it. I don't need it And that's I got to a point where I was like, you know, I was tired of the Supra because he had it for a little bit I think he imported it in like April or something and I had talked to him previously about importing one anyways Yep, and they told me he had that one and stuff and then so we kind of went from there and you know It's not a good time for me, you know, I love the car. I love the silver Again, I like the white too, but silver's kind of in the rarer part of it, you know That's why I kind of feel a little bad about changing up some stuff that I am changing on it But ultimately that's my car whatever you know, I'm not going for like a hardcore OEM Has to be for you know for Steen Honda whatever, but But yeah, it's not like it's a 15,000 kilometer car correct Yeah, it's not a showroom car by any means by any stretch, you know It definitely needs a little bit of touch up here and there. It's a good 10 footer But that's kind of your thing that is, you know, that's kind of it's been in the garage I have literally drove that car from my sky. I had it shipped to my shop drove it to my house Around the neighborhood parked it and then tore to part So much about right? Yeah, so I think I've put I don't know 15 miles on it since I've had it and I bought it in November of last year So um, but in that time though It was a pretty much bone stock car Stock form wise. I mean, I think the motor the motor stock transmission to build And stuff like that Other than that, it's pretty stock right? So stock five already has a lot of five lug and all that stuff But in of course, and I can't leave stuff alone. So I hit up my buddy Bryce and I was like, hey, do you have anything laying around because I know he always does and he was like Yeah, what do you want? I was like What are we talking about? You know what he got? And I knew I as soon as I purchased the car I'd literally went online and sort of add stuff to my car because I knew what I I knew I had a vision for that car Um, and that's one thing that I had with my Supra That's one thing I had my about 350z and then my type R, you know I lowered it put bronze e28s on it Because as soon as I bought the car I knew what I wanted and I knew what I wanted before even bought the car Right So when I got that car because I wasn't planning on actually winning I didn't think I was going to because I kind of had the same thing. I was like I'm a max is this you know whatever if it I don't I don't what I'm So when I get it, I'm like full spoon. Yeah, I didn't even notice that this it already came with a spoon ECU right so I'm like well, I kind of have to now right it's only right. It's only right. I gotta keep it going It has one part, you know, it's got a whole cap. You know, I got a cool spoon everything right So yeah, now it's got pretty much the full eK catalog minus the cluster in seats. Yeah, I need to find a set of seats that I can try to test fit in because I really They can't be narrow. Yeah, that's my that's my problem So that's where I'm kind of having that dilemma as much that I like the idea of having a complete spoon car Those two parts made does not be obtainable that cluster's ridiculous. Yes, I buy that cluster Tim. I don't know if we can speak after that It's kind of Yeah, I mean, I think if anything Ryan Derr out in California just did a full digital dash and then just like He made the spoon cluster on the digital dash. Oh, that's that's that's dope. I'm like that's freaking sick So like and you can change your faces, you know what I mean? I'm like That's the way to go and you spit a fraction of the cost To what the spoon clusters are and you're modernizing it a little yeah, just a little yeah, yeah I like that and so so I did see it and write the the rear spoiler the the front lip the caliper like right the whole catalog and so What we really want to know right is what about the motor? What about the motor it's gonna stay be yes, it will stay be series Everybody asked me that right as soon as I bought it, you know All the the friend group and and stuff like that was are you gonna go kay? No, I I had that right. I had the fun car. I had that. I want to keep I'm old right we're old. We're like we're like you know what we've been there done that road I want to keep AC power steering. Yeah, I want to keep it reliable and easy where I can hop in it drive it Comfortability. Yeah, even though you know I slammed it and it's like all right cool now. I can't drive it because I can't roll the fenders You know what I mean? But it's like all right, whatever it's still like I can still have AC on and while I sit there look at it Yeah, in the garage. Yeah, I can sit there and stare at it Um because it's definitely not a car that I want to drive every day because just because parts are so hard to get and that's my Problem where and take that is that is my dilemma at this point now. I have a car that is Super hard to get parts for I just bought a brand new bumper for it just to have it because I'm like if this one gets messed up There's eight left in the world or you know in the United States whatever and then like you be trying to buy one for use They want 300 bucks for it or whatever. Yeah, you know what I mean? It's like stuff is dumb For a Civic, you know, that's what we're looking at now for a 98 Civic You know, we're looking at ridiculous prices, but You know, that's kind of just the part of it at this point and so you're thinking pretty much leave that motor as is maybe a few accessories Yeah, I got I got the hybrid shifter on there now again, because now there would be serious stuff So I got a hybrid shifter on there. I got the hybrid fuel rail Um, I do of course I have like a just a pedicoyo radiator in it Um, that's the only I didn't know what the spoon stuff in the bay because uh that two grand for radiator Yeah, it's a little there's a little pick and choose of your battles. You know what I mean? I'm just like I see it. I like it when I'm like, yeah, it's just two grand Have a little bit in your pocket at the end of the day. Yeah, I mean if it functions the same That's where I kind of draw the line of like okay the styling is one thing right because you get authentic, you know, spoon hood and wheels and lips and Calipers and stuff that's different. I feel like compared to an aluminum radiator dual core things like that That's where I kind of draw the line of like I can I can handle that part of it. Yeah, um, so And so So he's got an EK nine now. So is this it for Tim? Is this it? I you know, you know this guy Yeah, you know, the the problem is I'll never ever Not be searching for something else. Yeah, I mean, I think that it's the hunt here hunter We yeah, like throughout the podcast and all of our guests and there really is a common theme with guys like you Your hunters like the hunt is really what excites you. Yeah, you know what I mean and trying to find the parts right? You know like going through the Japanese websites and going through Facebook marketplace Going through and what's crazy is prior to this car. I was supposed to actually buy another silver car This was several years ago actually I still live in Alabama and I found this guy on eBay that apparently just really didn't either care what he had or didn't know what he had right like I think he bought it And just kind of it's sat for what are his oldest car or something but he had a j's wing Uh Brand new in the box like vision carbon mirrors like several parts j's hood and like all the stuff just sat right and so I hit him up on eBay And I was like hey you're in those carolina. I'm in Alabama. Can we meet halfway or something? You know he did Give me a smoking deal on everything and I was like dude. This is stupid. This is awesome. I'll just keep this stuff in the garage You know Then uh we decided that we wanted to buy a condo in Florida And so I sold all of those parts. I actually found a brand new set of regga masters That were sold in 0405 that had never been used on a car On Facebook marketplace And I bought them for like $1,600 That's a steal. Yes That's the same for the other right now and I'm like dude are you kidding me right now And I ended up mad at ice and I'm friends of mad at ice to be and I'm like hey dude Look what I just found like this is insane, you know Like this is not like the new stuff. This is like old, you know, and he's like that's crazy, you know Um, but I actually ended up selling all that so we could put the money into remodel in the condo So that's when I didn't have a car for a while that was kind of my The condo the short-term mental situation that was when I didn't have a car. Yeah every other pretty much time I've had You know two cars might you know my daily and then something else to kind of tinker with yeah, so So if Tim could if Tim could get what he wanted right now. What would that be is money a problem? No Man the new GT3 RS I think is probably hands down Yeah, I think that would be gonna do your Honda's like that man different levels Yeah, I think I think because that car is so unattainable for me personally Um for most of us. Yeah, you know like that's just a car that I think would be like That would be a micro-roach forever. Yeah, you know what I mean If that was something that was like somebody came it handed me the keys to it Um now if I had the money and that was no problem I probably would be like man have it for a year then sell it by lambo You know what I mean like the same thing just a different level right yeah Um, no, and I think um actually with hybrid he's here today David from hybrid is here and he has the new FL5 yep Man, that's that's a nice car. Yeah, I think I think that might be That might be the next move. Yeah I like my creature comforts now. Yeah, and so that's kind of that was a thing right like like you were saying You went from a 22 Supra down to a 98 Civic and the electronics the comfortability That just all of that technology is not there with an EK9 And I have an FL5 and I'm here to tell you it is there yeah in the FL5. Yeah, for sure and And that's a very Well-sorted car from the factory. Yeah, and then with your touch on it. That's that's probably as far as Honda's that's where it's at Yeah, yeah, that's uh, I mean if anybody wants a 98 EK9 you're looking at it. You're looking at him It's out there for sale right now, you know, but uh, no it's kind of I think that would be a hard Not I like to like not like a huge hardcore hard problem or a hard sell for me. I think because I think I've had my fun with it. I've done I think Seven or eight EK chassies right in between a I had what Since I known Aaron even before he like I left Nashville. I think I had three different EM1 EP Delight Tromblou. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so and Chris crystal has my old one that he bought from me. It's still blowing up city. It was garage And that was a super clean car and that one was one I think I think we did the gun show on that one too Think I don't know if I can't remember But yeah, and so that was just that's and I had a red one I had a silver daily driven 98 Civic that I sold to a guy when I worked at hybrid a fluent for drove in from Atlanta and bought the whole hybrid catalog because he was on case-wap and I'm like, it's a perfect daily. Don't do it, you know like bone stock 97 Civic And he yeah, it was in that and I've had multiple coupes So so you've you've kind of at this point right your 38. Yeah, you've kind of been there done that That's yeah, and that's kind of like when I bought the car I was really excited and then I get it. I'm like It's fun. It's a fun car to have. I just don't know if it's my last car to have with that sense So I look forward to that call when you're ready to sell. Yeah, hey, you know, it's there. Awesome man Tim we definitely appreciate you coming through. I know you know, there's there's of course a ton of OGs here We appreciate you sneaking away for a few minutes. Just kind of uh shooting it with us, but um We're gonna keep in touch Tim because I know that that thing's not gonna last long, man I know it's not I know it's not I'm building the house right now So I at least have to wait till after November You know, can't make no money moves right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah It'll wait till at least then oh yeah, man All right, Tim enjoy the rest of import alliance. We appreciate you to let them know real quick if they want to follow along Where they where can they find you on social media Tim? Uh, just I have Instagram and Facebook. Yeah, it's just I am T-shirts Classic SCH. That's him. Yeah, she's a you know, TZ. Yeah. Yeah, the classic right there. Awesome. Tim is is good to see you and Enjoy the arrest the event. Awesome. That's very nice. Brand nice being here. Good talk. Yeah Timmy Timmy Timmy. Seriously. Yeah Timmy Timmy is such a good guy And that was you know A guest that I had to make sure that we got on because I don't know when we'll see him next right? It's been you know 10 15 years So uh, it was really good catching up with him. Yeah, it definitely reminded me you know back in the day Just chopping it up with Tim. Yeah, he hasn't changed a bit. No, he's still super cool. Yeah So yeah, I mean That's Tim. I am Tim Schultz on Instagram right like he's just a cool guy to always keep an eye on what he's doing You know keep keep up with his projects. Yeah, I love seeing it. He always does his builds very tasteful. Yeah Well, yeah, I enjoy seeing them when he pulled up to Squirks house You know, he added on a trailer when we were all at a pre-me he pulled up on a trailer fresh in um and I'm just like is that a spoon hood spoon rear spoiler? Spoon caliper He's like, yeah, it's nothing nothing much. Yeah, it's nothing special Tim like chill like what do you mean? So He's always kept clean build you know, just like you know if you look on his Instagram You'll see the green car that we talked about but yeah, this is episode 86 if uh this is your first podcast go back Listen to some of the other ones if you're interested in finding right hand drive car anything like that Prior episodes are always good for that stuff. Oh, yeah, there's tons of info Hmm previous episodes and follow us on Instagram @rhdgys and for episode 86. I'm Bobby. This is Aaron. See ya. Peace[Music]