Right Hand Drive Guys

Our JDM Hero Top 10 - EP.83

RHDGUYS Season 1 Episode 83

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In this episode we break down our favorite JDM "Hero" top 10 list! Listen along and let us know who you would chose for your JDM Hero! Thanks for listening to Right Hand Drive Guys

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Hey, and welcome back to the right hand drive guys podcast the podcast for guys who like right hand drives Where your host Bobby and Aaron? Yeah, you know and this is episode 83 and we appreciate you coming along for the ride So today we're gonna kind of rip through 10 5 each of Pretty much like JDM badass dudes that we would just love to get like a couch session with and just like shoot the shit Yeah, or like a ride along. Yeah, yeah, they have to try pretty much anything dude pretty much anything that they do we would shine They're freaking shoes at this Kidding but no, not really But yeah, so we just figured like hey, let's like talk about these dudes, but first we wanted to You know introduce a little segment called what's up with us? What's up with us? What's up with us kind of? You know, we we get so into doing the episodes we forget to talk about what we're actually doing Behind the scenes whether it be with our cars or to further the brand in somewhere another And so I know you got the biggest I know you've accomplished the most like I you know, I may feel like I'm accomplishing something but I don't know if you can see the car behind this but it's back there I think it might be able to see just the little corner bit of it, but yeah, I finally finished up the rap Hell yeah, so how long did it take you? So July 4th is you know right around the corner. That's it. Yeah. Yeah, and I've been working on this as Easter No, but I mean if anybody out there's ever wrapped a car like you know or no actually if you haven't wrapped a car Yeah, by yourself for the first time you're like dude. What do you mean it took you 18 months? Dude well, I mean I was optimistic starting out. I was like yeah, you know, I got plenty of material I can you know mess it up all I want and Dude the material that got was just completely wrong. What's this material material? The the particular brand that I got is called vivid and it just is not a good Good, so I guess you could say it's not it. It's very hard to work with and me, you know first time car rapper over here Yeah, yeah, it It was very very challenging and stuff took way longer than it should have and it was Yeah, kind of a pain, but we're we're done with it now and we're moving on from it and so yeah like what I was gonna say is that You know a guy like me who hasn't done it maybe seen it on wherever you know It's like dude really like it but like then once I started watching you doing it and just seeing You working with that material and yeah, I mean if you've looked around our garage We have plenty of vinyl everywhere, but it's not wrapping a car. It's it's flat surfaces, you know 90 degree corners usually not like it's not like that so But you did smart enough at the end here. Yeah, I did so I reached out to so a few people and basically got their opinion which I should have done in the first place and got some other vinyl that was way easier to work with and Ended up ended up wrapping the hood and the roof drunk and wings a different color to do like a two-tone type thing Yeah, it's so if you're wrapping a car for the first time Definitely spend the money on good material if you're saving on labor You know from not taking it somewhere to have it done then spend a Spend a little bit extra on a good good vinyl that's ways it'll work with and You know it won't take you from Easter to Yeah, well, I hate to get it done and so Yeah, I mean it's one of those things because if you did take it to a professional He's not using vivid right now, so you are probably for this material anyways, right? So if you're doing it yourself, okay, like you're cheaping out on the labor, right? You're doing it yourself Right dude more power to you. You're probably learning something But you can't go with cheaper materials that way you're saying You're definitely shooting yourself in the foot. Yeah, so just right spend spend the money because if you took it somewhere They're using that I once cry once they say by ones cry once by twice. You're a dink So what's up with me? I have just sold the S14 this sovia is gone but you know Someone that I look up to told me don't marry the car man don't marry the car and For a minute there we started getting engaged like I started getting engaged to the car and I got super cold feet and listed it Yeah, I was like holy shit like I'm getting I'm starting to like this thing and and that's not really one of the cars That was in my like end game, you know, I mean I would but I have other things to accomplish first so I Freed up the space and so boom that went down to Pennsylvania Pennsylvania did they drive it back or what? No, they had some type of man and get it yeah, and like it was those are always fun like those are The guy either knows what he's doing or he absolutely has no clue There's no in between with those guys I feel and you know, that was very like close The the shifting was very close like short. Yeah, and then the clutch pedal was extremely stiff because of that clutch That was it. Yeah, and so yeah and and the seat didn't Yes, so he was like oh my gosh He was bucking and juking and all kinds of stuff dude, but he got it out of there And yeah, I mean otherwise we've just been prepping for Import alliance that is our big Event this year at Nashville Super Speedway July 19th and 20th if you're gonna be in the area definitely stop in Don and those boys put on an awesome show. Yeah, they do and it's a night me Under the lights at the speedway which cuts down on the heat yeah, and I think just gives it a whole different vibe Yeah, for sure. Can't wait. I could be drifting for the first time and Yeah, and this guy right this guy registered for drifting and So yeah, I'm like, you know, I'm like he tell me that and I'm like online I'm like looking at winches and things we can put on the trailer to get this car back Back up here, you know, I'm like so how are we gonna do this once this month? Yeah But yeah, no, I'm sure that'll be a blast and you can look next week We will be live from my a so we will record You know live and then publish so that within minutes, you know, you're kind of hearing our take On the 2024 summer me. Yeah So okay cool that that concludes what's going on with us So I'll let you lead off you tell me tell me who's the first first Japanese You know, I don't know what to call him Japanese. What hero hero? Yeah, I guess is it would use the first Japanese hero that you would take some culture whatever time with Indomura the monkey the monkey magic Right monkey magic. Yes, he is you have a hard time. Yeah looking all those names like back And you know any time during those early as drift days You have a hard time looking at anything and not seeing him doing something foolish. Yeah, I know it's so awesome dude and like just Any old option video you can find on YouTube There's probably gonna be a little segment of him and they're goofing off. Yeah more times than not Dude, those are the best and like that guy as much as he's aged like he looks the same. He still acts the same like We've seen him we saw him in Tokyo. I lost a lot. Yeah, so we did get to meet him, but not like you know I mean we're there and he's giving us his attention However, he is like kind of like speaking in Japanese and everything and we're like we're just like smiling real big like Yeah, he's like tearing apart the booth to give us stuff autographed. It was really cool. Yes, dude. It was sick. Yeah took one of the flags right off But so what would you what would you want to do with him like what's it do dude? anything Anything Drive around in a cool car dude You know see the whole Uris you're is set up. I guess you could say yeah, that would be dope It's in his car collection and see his son's car in there and right for sure, but yeah, just seeing all of Everything he has going on always a big fan of his style Yeah, he's definitely like Very animated like he's very like when we saw him like he's just like I don't know and it's weird, but like He has just this thing about him. Yeah, that you're just like So cool dude on his Instagram. He he post all the time, you know, but like It's rarely Like car stuff. It's like him going and having drinks and having food, but then like you know a little bit of drifting here a car here Yeah, yeah, but then like just a lot of lifestyle stuff and it's fun to see it. Yeah Whatever that what he does dude. It's so funny. He's just like Good ball, but seems like it'd be a good time to hang around. Yeah, I mean I can only imagine it he would I mean, but I don't know how old he is. Yeah, 50 I Would I don't know he's he's 50 something. I tried to look it up on Google, but it's blocked me He's like it's a mystery, you know, he looks good, but all those dudes do so like I because if you look at his son Right like if his son's even 30 right he's 50. I don't think his son's 30. You don't think so? No So you think no because he's a lot older than us dude. Yeah, I'm 38 and I was watching him in 2004 on D1 GP or whatever and he was he was young, but he wasn't Like 18. Yeah, I know I would think he's in his 50s early like 52 51. Yeah, but it's yeah so All right, cool the monkey magic man. Yeah What's up with yours who you hanging out with who am I gonna hang out with well, you know, okay, so I'll start off we've talked about him and he Dude, yeah, I want to start off with him because he is just Got so much swag dude his vibe is just like Hard on dude. He is like the man like like Diagocytote dude like Out of the guys on my list, you know like there's another one that's close, but like this dude just has so much like vibe about him and like of course we've been to fat five land So we know what he's into and it's all awesome. Yeah, you know like it's all the coolest shit It really is, you know like it's like yeah, he like definitely made it, you know, and you can tell and so Yeah, if I could I would love to What I would love to do is go to fat five land have a meal with him alone inside of the like cafe that he built Yeah, you know the Americana cafe and then I would hopefully if He wanted If Mr. Cytote would be cool enough to take me Drifting at fat five land. Yeah in something high horse power. Yeah, that that would be sick because You would get a personal side of him at the meal and then you would get the animal out of him You know out on the tar and that that would be sick. Yeah, I mean So yes with him that's what I would want to do because he He is an amazing drifter, but again like his whole just like attitude and like the smoothness about him is just like All right, this dude is right. It's it's weird like he has he has a style like and he has a very like particular style And like look to everything and it's like and whenever you visit his shop and you see all the cars and then you visit Five five that five land and you see all the cars you're like, okay this guy He has this guy has this okay. That's that's what he's into obvious. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and he does it like he does it very well It's very cool. It's very cool. So okay, I'd save to say you'd probably come along for that one Yeah, I'd hope so dude. Yeah, just hit me up Yeah, he'll be around you who's next next up for me is Nari Yaro and this guy he I don't know he's lived in Japan for a while He's Australian, but like I said he's been He's been in Japan and in the drift scene there Since like the blogging days. I guess you know like the Probably 2008 2009 was when I started like seeing that name pop up and like he would always post all the grass roots like Type drifting events in Japan. So you would get to see all these Cool looking cars that weren't like the pro level, but still very cool Very cool to see that style and you know you didn't get to see that a lot unless You went over there and you knew people or you knew of his blog There wasn't a lot of that back then and he was one of the only sources of it So yeah, and he's still over there doing it and he's since moved from blogs to vlogs Yeah, you know he stayed up natural transition. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so he's doing YouTube now and he has a YouTube channel that's very Very very cool and I I enjoy watching all of this stuff Yeah, and he does a good job at like explaining events and you know explaining his builds and explaining what's going on and He can speak Japanese and English very well. So it's like yeah, that's legit that helps yeah, he can kind of Translate back and forth like what's going on? I guess you could say mm-hmm. He's also a commentator for like the The D1 live stream. Oh, he's like the English He's the other commentator for that. So that'd be a cool job. Yeah, he I mean dude. He seems like he lives a very cool life You know just being Being over there and doing doing all the stuff that he gets to do with all the car scene stuff that you would ever want to do Right, it seems like we're like yeah, come on check this out. Yeah, he's just this big giant Australian dude That's cool. Yeah, I mean when you think about it. I'll show you is a lot closer to here than America Where I'm sorry? I'm talking like we're in Japan because like that's where my mind is Yeah, you know, I mean I'm still I've been in Japan for a while now Australia is close to Japan. Yes, then America Yeah, so like those dudes kind of had more of an opportunity. That's why you'll see him up there right like yeah and the cars could come in there Earlier so that whole love and drive for it was kind of Before us, you know and into an extent All right, so So what would you do with him dude? Go drifting Yeah, absolutely. Why not what else would you do what else would you want to do yeah, right? Go drifting boom. Oh, yeah All right, so my next person is You know somebody you know most of you have heard of it's Manabu Arito AKA Max the man Max Arito. Yeah, and so you know he was he was also on You know a lot of these early Japanese video like best mode. Yes, best motor. Yeah, he he was like one of you know the special host type things right and then he After his drifting career, you'd also see him, you know on the Doing the commentary for the drifting as well. So you know, you've probably seen this face. I mean The dude definitely has done some racing. He has done like a lot of racing from he's done a lot Yeah, but from Lamon's he's done super tycoon D1 GP. He's one of those dudes that just Yeah, he's just give him anything. He'll drive it Yeah, and it seems like he really has in the sense of just You know his because a lot of these guys you know drifters. They love drifting. They drift yeah like but when you start getting into like Lamon's yeah, and and finishing 12th not yeah, no, it's not first but like you're taking you're finishing Yes, and you're taking this guy putting it in this car and he's finishing and he's not even really that type of driver You know, so But one thing I really admire about him, you know, he's well, what's really cool is he's kind of kept up with Everything right like he didn't really Fall off so to speak he really kept it going and so even now, you know his brand um Like orito. I think it's like Yeah, 959 you know he is continuing to do these things, you know, he's like Keeping up with it. Yeah, you know, whereas like a lot of these older guys, you know like it kind of falls off a little right you know even You know, let's just say monkey magic, right? Like he's you know still doing his thing he's Sun's doing's thing But there's a clear difference between Like the year-est presentation and like the way that orito does things like he's still kind of in it in that sense I don't know if I'm explaining it correctly, but like You know, let's just say the year-est stuff is still kind of like mid-2000s styled like all their branding and everything and like the way they operate whereas like Orito and like his whole brand like the orito style Yeah, even the red ox, you know, yeah parts those It the style is like 2024, right? So you know, um, I think it's cool that he's kept in it and then Why I what I would do with him is I would actually just kick it with him and his daughter Because that's something I can relate to having two daughters. He Was really able to integrate his daughter Maya into what he's doing and she reps it all day every day You know, that's their brand. I think you know and So you know when he first started racing he didn't have a child and he had a child and then he kept that child involved and now The child's racing, you know, and she she races You know, I don't know what but she's definitely doing it. Yeah, and so yeah, I would kick it with him and his daughter for sure Nice Cool next up for me dude um This guy is kind of long the same lines as uh Orito here as far as you put him in anything and don't drive it no matter what the discipline is Uh, it's no Berturu Tana Gucci No, Berturu Tana Gucci. Yeah, no beat no one better Whoa, yeah, dude, that's hard. He is yeah, dude Not only is it the first three letters of his name. It means no one better. He's the man. Yeah This dude, I mean lately you'd probably know him from like uh He's He's sponsored by hks pretty sure he is uh his supra his a80 over a 90 whatever the newest one at a 90 is in uh the Fuji speedway hotel Yeah, that the the whole hks one. Yeah, that's sick But yeah, dude, I mean he's raced in super cheaty, you know, he had 18 wins and d1 gp He had a championship with five wins. He raced in super tycoon with eight championships like dude's a beast Yeah, that's legit. He's definitely made his rounds to say the least yeah and You know like like I said drifting grip racing Like he does it all and he also was on um What was it the like all the option videos the best motorings he was also you know one of the co-hosts for all that as well So it's like a lot of these dudes kind of Share a similar background as far as you know being on these tv shows and You know being able to be at the top of their game and all of these disciplines. Yeah, that's through you know decades Yeah, I mean like Yeah, that that really shows their true skill and their willingness to learn Because you know like you said when you start in one area or discipline and you're able to kind of migrate through multiples Like I mean that's pretty big deal right because a lot of times you know Over here, right like yes people crossover But like a lot of times they stick to one, you know what I mean if they're drifter they're drifting right if they're a NASCAR driver They're they're driving in circles, right? You know whatever it may be right. They're not necessarily crossing over so much So right that's cool Yeah, I mean yeah, he's the man uh and due to as far as like what do it what to do with him Let's go to any track, dude. Let's go to scuba and Rip rip some grip driving do some time attack. I hope you do some drifting like hands probably He's like do why are you pissing on the floor? Dude you made me do it That would be a blast though. Yeah, 100% So okay who you got next? my next one is Nakayama from mines. He is the official engine builder of mines. Oh wow. Yes, big responsibility on that guy. Yeah, and so supposedly I can neither confirm nor deny this but supposedly he has built the most RBS in the world Supposedly he has it's well over 2000 RBS Holy cow 2000 and his hands are still clean. His hands are still clean. Yeah, so Wow, I wonder I mean I was just trying to figure out the number like Obviously, there's more than 2000 RBS that Nissan pumped out in the 90s, but those obviously weren't hand built This guy hand built with his own two hands. Yes. Yeah, he yes. He hand built RBS more than 2000 And in that number the 2000 number was in 2020 Oh, wow, so it's probably definitely more than I know. Yeah, he probably has 23 more blocks. Yeah, I mean That's a lot and so I have met him uh I met him at mines and It's kind of funny right like I mean my daughter go to mines and we're just like oh this place is sweet Well, I'm like this place is sweet Yeah, and uh She know she thought it was cool, but So there's a guy at the counter. I don't know. He could have been the CEO for all I know. Yeah, like but he What I was trying to do is because we were at R's meeting and they had these carbon fiber sunglasses But they only had like the mirror lenses and I was not really for that like I like black lenses And so that's all they had so then We know when we meant to mines. I'm like, oh maybe they got the black ones here They have black displays. They won't sell them to you. They won't sell them to you. They don't sell you for a Japan Yeah, and so This guy couldn't talk to me and not and so he goes back into the engine room and gets knocky on him He comes out and he figures out what I'm trying to do and he sells me all the stuff and the dude is He speaks great English and he's in you know like most of the Japanese he's insanely polite Like makes you you know feel good about what you're buying like it's cool, right? And so I could just tell by his demeanor that he's like the type of guy that You could ask him questions and he would genuinely give you the answers and he would show you things Yeah, so he would stop you know being elbow deep in an RB26 to sell you sunglasses that you know that So what I would do with him is I would uh I would reassemble an RB with him if I could that'd be sick. Got one right there. Can you imagine if if you got the opportunity to I mean even stand beside him and even if he didn't let you touch nothing like yeah, you just get to see that process and how I'm short delicate and thorough. He is like with everything that he's doing right yeah So yeah, that's a lot man. I can't imagine don't that many they you know uh, so okay, I'm gonna throw in the last thing that I'm saving for the end here okay He can build an RB blindfolded. I believe it. Yeah, it because think about it. You've done it over two thousand times. Yeah, like yeah like I'm trying to do the math If you did one every day for How many years how many that'd be roughly 5000 years for me to two and two years and some change of a building an engine every single day That would be Yeah, that's crazy. I think that's more like six years and some change in it. Oh, yeah, I guess so I was doing a thousand Yeah, holy cow. I know dude six years. Yeah, so I would kick it with Naki Yama. We would go ahead and just We would just get it and reassemble the blindfold. Yeah, for sure. I wouldn't care. I'd feed him fruit while he's doing that shit All right, go ahead Wow, all right cool next one up for me is uh, Niochi Nakamura professional drifter. Yeah, you're like a Yeah, I know. Yeah, all these dudes I know they're most of my JDM heroes are From the the drifting Yeah, yeah, I get it. That's This dude I remember first seeing him way back Whenever the whole team burst thing kind of broke out where They had purple and pink faded cars. Well, they still kind of do but it was back when they first started doing that and Their style was just loud and crazy and just do their driving was insane They're always banging doors are super close to each other Dragon walls Dragon walls. Hell yeah, first interest dude like whatever like they were very exciting to watch and That's what always sucked me in is like Watching them is exciting Not saying that like The others aren't exciting. They're just not as exciting to watch like those dudes seeing them. It's like oh wow Like dude you know how it is you know when you're standing on the wall Yeah, you just smack it in you just like Fires you right. It's it's a different thing for sure. It is I can't say that yeah, there's a lot of other things that can like get you Just that adrenaline pumping like without being in the car. Yeah, you know, yeah for sure So what would you do with them? Let me guess Dude hang out no soccer dude and all the street riffs spots. Oh, yeah, yeah or You know since a lot of people can't do that anymore due to sponsorships and Legalities and things like that go to Mayhahn and Hit that track that would be dope because that's like That's like where all the infamous videos come from I feel like with team burst That's where they really like yeah rip it up Okay, hit there at mayhahn catch me in mayhahn. Yeah with the burst boys. Yeah. Yeah Um, so okay my next one um Is missumi shiba Missumi shiba he is the CEO of raise engineering and raise wheels. Oh wow. Yeah, and so The reason so he's been The CEO the whole time since that's what I was calling. Yeah, dude that guy has seen some stuff Yeah, you know, and I think he's actually supposed to be coming to the end because he's real old. Yeah, I'm gonna say So yeah, I mean basically everybody knows the te37 if you don't know the te37 hit the button and just turn this off because it's like it Don't even make sense if you don't but um You know raises come out with a ton of awesome wheels they've worked with manufacturers and put out You know wheels like the LMGT4 and you know wheels we don't even realize right yeah manufactured, you know um and The te37 or the LMGT4 or whatever these are like my favorite style wheels. They're a lot of people's favorite style wheels I can't imagine how many Thousands of sets that they have delivered like I can't so you know Missumi shiba I would sit down with him and I would really I wouldn't say nothing I would just listen to history. Yeah him. I would just listen to any stories or any Any bit of the process that you would want to tell me yeah, I would I wouldn't ask any questions I would just let him lead it and tell me the things that stuck out in his head about you know the 51 years of running One of definitely Japan's most successful wheel companies right like what all they've had to deal with as far as like adversity Yeah, it's like dealing with all the counterfeits like I wonder if that's even on their roaders like you know Yeah, yeah, you gotta be in one of the biggest knocked off companies Yeah, really oh for sure with with wheels for sure I mean, so yeah, I mean I would sit down. I would chat with him and and just Well listen and that's I feel like all you'd need to do and you'd come out of there with a smile I'm sure yeah, that would be sick. All right, you got one more. I got one more. All right, let's hear it All right Mitsuru Haraguchi. Haraguchi. Yeah dude, he's uh And then on the internet is the OG hot boy back in the day he had a yellow fcr7 fatty chrome wheels I think I remember lambed be in sports kit with like a crazy like checkered flag livery type. Yeah stripe going on uh Yeah, dude Yeah, he's sick and I didn't like I don't know why I didn't know this until I don't know way too far after the fact but he actually owns three two six power Which they make uh they make arrowkits and just you know, it's car accessories that have you know very unique kind of out there style But yeah, this dude was one of the one of the first ones that I like to watch drifting that didn't have a Sylvia Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, so that's what always because he had the the yellow fd So it was like fc or then then he ended up being an fd uh that had Similar someone looked at yeah, the fc was the killer. Yeah those were those were like We heard because they didn't Garner the attention of the fd but they were still a turbo rotary. Yeah, yeah like it was still like just that like Those like sharp edges and like it was like it was a late 80s car man like especially in the US I feel like they didn't catch on as much for sure, but yeah, this dude's cool. A shit man. I would just hang out with them Chad him up about three two six power and like how that became a thing and What they've had to deal with then You know definitely go to a track. Yeah, okay, so you're like taking up his whole weekend. Yeah pretty much All right, man Load up the cars dude. Let's go But yeah lately he has an s15 uh that is pretty sick. It has all the three two six power arrow on it and yeah Yeah, three to six he's over the road or you know Yeah, yeah has been for a while, you know, and that car actually it was one of those that popped up a few years ago maybe even during covid That it popped up for sale and I think it ended up in australia and some australians ended up Getting the car back running again, and it still has like The faded paint and like the faded stickers all I don't know about now. This is a couple years ago But whenever they were rebuilding it that's sick. It had all like dude It was like a time capsule almost and like it was a pretty sweet when you see it like when you see those car Really, oh damn. Yeah, still got the stuff on it. Yeah, that is legit Um, all right. Yeah, I got my last one right here uh I saved I saved a really good one for last because I would do I got there. I have Smoky mother friggin. I got it. Oh man. Get the get the carton ready dude. That's how he's out. Listen like listen You know this man we all know who he is like he's known for his long gun runs and like Just doing his high speed like unofficial killing it, you know like the like if you haven't seen the videos look up smoking a got a highway runner Anything like that the in-car footage is so awesome dude. Yeah, he's just ripping the butt just Yes, fatty Starting out with that fatty burnout and just leading it out in the second spinning third like he's just unfazed in that thing He hits 300 kilometers an hour and dude is just like He is insane. Listen shout out to Smoky like Yeah, we we got to See him like up close and personal. We we didn't like necessarily meet him like we didn't get introduced But uh we were there with him and I also saw Matt ours meeting The dudes swag level is on 9000. It's it's weird dude. It's weird like I'm just like the fresh Puma tracksuit Oh dude, it's just a line of women behind him just Tugging on his smoky smoky, yeah, you know and then dudes behind them smoky And so you know Yeah, I've just always admired his attitude and is kind of He's very serious about his work, but like he's very nonchalant about everything else. He's kind of it's it's like I don't know he just has that vibe for me and so What I would do with him I just I just smoke friggin cigarettes with him dude. I don't care I'd never smoke to cigarette my life dude. I'm gonna start You put me in the office with smoky turn off the ventilation dude Seriously just the ceiling can go in yeah, just circulating it dude into my face That's all I do is just smoke cigarettes every time I go to Japan I'm like I need to pick up smoking cigarettes. I'm just because everyone's doing it just heavy Yeah, it's got a different smell over there. Yeah, it doesn't America. I don't know if it's like somewhere to add a div or something that they do in the states Probably probably I don't know, but like it definitely smells different. I know that sounds super lame Not that smoking's cool anywhere Yeah, I mean I'm smoking somewhere. It's gonna be in Japan. Yeah, yeah, we're smoking right that's the only time I probably ever smoke a cigarette and I'd probably I'd do like the ace ventura thing afterwards with this with the plunger Okay, that that was our top 10 yeah our top 10 dudes that we would just go kick it with if we couldn't Japan if they gave us the Bad ass dude all access pass. Yeah, these are the guys with the translating headphones. Yes exactly. You're right. Yeah, so Yeah, we appreciate you listening along as always this was episode 83 Please tell your buddies about the podcast. We appreciate you listening, but we need them to listen to Hit us up on the IG at rhd g us and As always man, we appreciate you. I'm Bobby. This is Aaron. See you. Peace You[BLANK_AUDIO]