Right Hand Drive Guys

STOLEN?!? - EP.80

RHDGUYS Season 1 Episode 80

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In this episode we discuss stolen cars, and ways to avoid your pride and joy JDM car from being stolen. Listen along and share your story with us!

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Hey, and welcome back to the right hand drive guys podcast the podcast for guys and girls who like right hand drive cars I'm Bobby. This is Aaron. Yeah, and we are here today with episode 80 Episode 80 lady we are we're really getting there, you know like just from joking around saying we should do a podcast to I don't know going to Japan and literally recording live from there and Yeah multiple times and having you know a lot of different guests at this point who Come from kind of all walks of life and I've from across across the globe really so But today we wanted to just chat a little bit about Stolen cars. Yeah, don't don't down It's what everybody fears right you get this Beautiful beautiful car, right? I mean whether it's USDM JDM whatever but you get your pride and joy right and this thing It means everything to you you keep it in the garage you shine it up you don't let your kids touch it You know and then no food nothing do that one that one speck of dirt on the floor mat It's gone immediately right right? Yeah, so It's kind of jealous about how you treat it. Yeah Like he's been in so much time with that thing what about me right and so You know and of course and I know many of you guys can relate your worst nightmare is Coming back out to the parking lot having it gone coming out to the garage having it gone, you know Just that like man that feeling right of just like instant despair like I'm fucked like that's literally how it feels right yeah and so Recently there has been some events in The United States of JDM cars being stolen and We'll get into that we also kind of have some personal stories and Some stories that friends of ours gave us permission to use Just about how these things happen and then at the end we'll just kind of chat about Our personal knowledge on how you can kind of deter people from stealing your car hopefully yeah But we do know that it's 2024 and The more that we get kind of like electronically Progress there's just more ways to do these things and kind of gives you easier access, right? So yeah, and especially with these 90s cars. Yeah, like if you've ever done any type of wiring work on these things like You probably know how simple it would be to cross a few wires and Almost like the almost like Nicholas Cage Exactly almost like that, you know with these 90 car 90s car things you know even easier problem. Yeah Because the it wasn't as much like that right a Technology wasn't as progress, but be the thefts weren't as common so it wasn't as much of a worry so And we've all yeah, I mean let's start here. We've all heard right like back in the early 2000s The hottest car to steal was what I Just want to see if you know I want to say it was a Honda Ford or Honda Yeah, Honda's Acre, you know that thing and in the type R Those were stolen left and right the Acre integrity bars those were just Being lifted constantly because it was so easy like you're saying to steal I mean it was in some points It was a screwdriver in the ignition right right, you know you give it the old tap tap Rome and that's where the screwdriver key blank came from It's actually pays homage Those guys who were stealing those integrity bars, right and That really became a thing in the early 2000s, you know and Obviously Acre of Honda all of these manufacturers took notice and started equipping them with a lot better Factory yeah, anti thefts just in the mobilizer and the key really stopped a lot of that like Hot wiring right it's good say because it had to read the chip right It was like almost like two step off an occasion right right It wasn't just the key in there. It was the chip matching on right right but like, you know those eG and eK civics Oh, yeah, or you know the integrals. Yeah, much any integrity dude all day Yeah, and in that really ruined a lot of guys like Experience right and then probably you know you think about it right you have this Whatever let's just say it's number 055 right your pride and joy that thing gets stolen stripped yeah, dude that ruined your experience in the car culture and can you come back from that Being one of those guys who lost their pride and joy That's hard right because it's a discouragement so If you're if you were one of those car thieves and you're listening to this like You know Maybe maybe you gotta I don't know earn it back somehow maybe you need to give a car away Multiple you gotta come back to info, I guess, but I mean till then middle finger to those guys. Yeah, yeah for sure So okay, we'll we'll start here so since we are on the Integrity par topic right because those were very hot cars I will tell the story of a good friend of mine. He's an OG in the car scene where I'm from He was always in the Nissan's he was he had like a 2G clips that was just you know ridiculous power like really cool guy, right? And so back in 2003 2004 he hooked up with somebody I and we want to have him on the podcast and truly tell this story But this story hurts him so much. He is the guy. I'm talking about that hit the theft of his car Took him out of the game totally like the theft of his car Disguerged him and messed with his life so much that he never got back there Which is like sad because he was one of the most hardcore you know Loyalist import guys that I knew right and so okay he Orders and R33 GTR what years this was right this is in 2004. So this was gray market. Oh four. Yes He's already R33 barely 10 years old probably barely 10 years old I can't tell you who he was working with yes, but that's what he was told right he's getting it's a it was supposed to be a QM1 a white 33 GTR So he gets the the call from the broker. It's landed in port. Yeah, I imagine dude in 2004, dude He is probably on high dude seriously shows up at the port Goes to collect the car, you know, you show up the port, you know, they tell you you know the guy walks you to your car Yeah They walk him to this car and he's like no that ain't it and they're like yeah, no look on the paperwork. This is yours on the paperwork it says Accurate and take or sorry Honda and Tiger type R and he's like no, no, no, like I think you guys got the paperwork mixed up and like Is this your name and he's like yeah, and they're like well, this is your car He shows up. They didn't send over the 33 GTR. They threw a Honda and Tiger type R on the boat like a 98 spec or something, you know and He imagined so at this point like you have a decision. I'm either going to be happy with this car Or I'm gonna be super depressed and try to like throw a fit now He knew the value in the sense of like Integra type bars are still sweet. Yeah, and they at least did a misalid and they sent him a Mugen bill Integra type R. Oh, that kind of changes things every part on it had every part in the Mugen catalog Including motorwork done by Mugen. It had the authentic Mugen valve cover, you know, Mugen exhaust Mugen headers Mugen Mugen, you know everything including the stripe down the side the Mugen Yeah, so in the thing was meant the thing rev to overtake K like I Never been so I'd never been in the car like that and that's his car actually got me in love with Honda's at that time Because I was like wow this thing doesn't have a turbo it revs to 10k and it like it hammers, you know It's V-TEC and it actually puts you back in your seat So he embraced it. He was like, you know what I wanted in R33 GTR He literally had a garage full of parts for R33 GTR Volks like exhaust like everything turbos. He had everything ready to bolt on to this Now he has to flip the script and embrace this entire type bar, right? Which sounds like it's already built though Yeah, it is so he can't really do much to it and so in his head He's like well, I'm still gonna get the 33 GTR eventually he kept all those parts Eventually 20 years later still has a bunch of the parts and passes them on to me when I get my 33 GTR Because he doesn't want them sitting around because at this point he's obviously giving up so Anyways long story short he embraces the Integra he brings it around brings it to shows like everybody obviously loves it It's a right hand drive, you know, it's it's an awesome car and especially in 2004 It's like back then. Yeah, it's like whoa what the what he is even going on people weren't even doing conversions There's stuff much like that either so it's like so he He ends up, you know with some buddies. They're heading down to like this car event, right and the entry to be inside of the event closes at 9 am They left materially whatever Buddy and of course an SRT 4 runs out of gas on the highway So they all have to pull over they got to go get gas bring it back This puts them at the event at 915 the gates are closed So he's got a park and you know And it was a big event and so he has to park it out in the parking lot so Whatever right, you know, we don't get to be in the show nobody deal Well Somebody else had other plans for this car and this is the craziest story of somebody stealing a car that I've heard They pulled up with a flatbed tow truck and they They hooked on to his back tow hook dragged the car up onto the tow truck and bounced They they literally within four to five minutes and And of course this is like him telling me this the story almost 20 years ago So like trying to get as good as I can but so They take it it's gone right like so now this guy got screwed out of a 33 Yeah, he got his muted integrity part and now it just got loaded up onto it a flatbed and they drove off So I remember like he called and like dude was mad upset and I'm like do they'll find it, you know, whatever and I Wasn't wrong. They found it Huh all of it. No, they found literally the frame like and when I say the frame I mean these guys stripped it to the point of it was Anything that could be taken off this thing was off of it Completely it was found in Jamaica planes in Boston like down just like on a side road on blocks The only way they could tell is because the bin was etched into the firewall and Like so now you can imagine okay this guy like yeah, he's how I'll take for them to find it three days three days. Yeah three days and so This was in 2004 or whatever right and so like anti-theft systems were around of course They were the fiber of what they were that type of thing, you know, but You're out in the parking lot with a thousand other cars a tow truck pulls up nobody really questions it right because that's not generally how people are stealing cars right this was like a Chop shop they knew they were doing, you know, so You know that's just kind of like one quick story of how You can go somewhere just expect me to have a good day you leave your your right-hand drive car out in the parking lot and boom It's gone and the next time you see it. It's unrecognizable. Yeah Yeah, dude, yeah, I mean man I'm still lost for words right and so I Remember he had me and like there was a group of six or seven of us We were just scouring eBay and anywhere we could for these parts never could see him come on Yeah, like do that me you get an engine alone was worth so I do this day in age would be worth 30 grand Yeah, like easy like a built-10k revving me you can motor dude. I wonder if like The people who stole it probably didn't even know or realize Maybe even how special it was or I don't like so I think they thought it was right hand drive and it was an integral type bar right and like We don't have those around here right right then Yeah, they're probably looking for the front-end swap right or something right so they probably sold some of that stuff Yeah, like cheap money and people didn't even realize what it was yeah people had to come up and they didn't even realize where it's coming from right Which is like super sad so you know shout out to Dave You know hopefully we can get him on here to like really tell the story isn't the group at me. Yeah, he is in the group and You know, it's one of those things it's super sad and it did kind of take him out of the game Yeah, so how many other guys kind of got affected like that put their heart and soul into something and then have it ripped away, you know But but speaking of parts and whatnot I know you said you know of kind of a Japanese company that was kind of doing this type of thing right well It was a place in the states that got caught selling do basically front front cuts of cars and Front ends and engine swaps and stuff like that This happened to several years ago. I think of 2021 this place called J spec J spec Yeah, believe they were down in Virginia they had posted an EK nine Front end for sale, you know like a EK nine type heart front end it had like a vented hood it had You know the fenders the whole front end was stock it had like a J's racing tow hook kind of you know special pieces like with the hood and the tow hook they posted it up for sale and it started making the rounds on Facebook and people were sharing the post like crazy and saying like look in the comments on this post so people were looking in the comments and Basically they were sharing a post from where an EK nine in Japan was stolen reported stolen not too long before This post was made long enough for it to get shipped over yeah pretty much and You know he was like this is my front end, you know from my car This is the exact same tow hook. This is the exact exact same hood with the same hood pins like This car was stolen and then like People started digging deeper dude and like just going through their inventory and checking off all these cars and finding them Like reported stolen in Japan like there was an STI like a newer STI Impraza like just a bunch of things and dude they Yeah, they ended up getting dragged they as they should Yeah, dude. I couldn't man. I could not fathom how I would feel if like you know you're scrolling You're scrolling on Facebook right you're looking for parts. You just had your car stolen whatever you're looking for a new car Whatever the case might be you're just scrolling through or somebody sends it to you or someone sent it to you right you get this like Notification you're like oh, you know what do you send to me? Yeah? Oh? It's the front end of my car and it's in America right right right and like You know there's no going back from that like that car's never coming back right? Yeah, you now can chalk that up as a full loss Absolutely like 110% dude and like that is so lame when people like Take something great right like the importation of parts and whatnot and they use it for like heinous like Reasons right like to make money off something that you didn't pay for like that's that's super lame and you know I think it's probably been a common thing for Since back in the day dude when all those before these cars were legal all those front clips and front cuts and engine swathe You always wonder like damn how do they have so many front clips like why is there so many rear-end accidents in Japan? Like why would they be you know and now that you go and think about it like damn like how many of these cars were stolen Yeah, or even if they weren't stolen but literally just cut up because that's the only way that money could be made off them at the time Yeah, it's kind of sad to think like how many civic type ours were cut the front end was cut off right just to send over here when it was a perfectly fine car That could have been imported. Yeah, yeah, it sucks man. It's like I remember the the first RB 20 swap ever bought it was back in like 0809 08 I believe and I Remember when it came into my buddy shop like Was like literally sitting in the front clip and everything was still there You know like what the hell yeah, yeah, and like he was like yeah, you know Guy just picked it up in Japan. He said he drove the car to the shop To have it cut up to ship you know to ship the front clip over to ship the engine and everything you like drive it over Yeah, he was like dude. It was a ripper. Yeah, he was like yeah, this is a very good running engine Chopped the front end off this car. Let's get it out like so you know r32 gtst back in the day Like who knows how much nothing to them right right? I think that whole front clip to that r32 was like 1600 bucks like landed stateside like at the importer right so like What was the whole car worth? You know, yeah for sure over there Yeah, I mean it is it is kind of crazy and so you know on the topic of Like Japan and thefts there so I talked to our buddy Trevor just got kind of some insight on like you know How does it happen over there? Is it a lot? You know what not and When we are there in Osaka, I'm sure you remember he had at one point Because I'm not gonna lie right like I'm a dipshit all right. I am like yeah We all are if you're listening to this I'm a dipshit, you know, and so I leave my keys in my car like All the time like I'm just saying this right now Yeah, so now I used to leave my keys in my car all the time right like and so you know I get to Japan and Honestly, I'm a creature of habit. I just leave my car. Everyone's so friendly Yeah, and so I'm not worried about nothing and so I think we walked back over in my car And I'm showing Trevor my car and he notices a keys in the in the ignition. He's like What are you doing and I'm like? What do you mean? And I explained to him like Hey, I'm from Maine like I leave my keys in my car like it don't matter, you know like And that's just like ignorance on my behalf, but regardless he's like yeah, no you can't do that you can't do that like I'm like, but do this is Japan. He's like yeah, but not everyone here is Japanese. Yeah, and I'm like yeah That's an R34 GTR. Yeah, he's like, you know, and I can't remember the exact words But it was basically like you know the Sri Lankans will have that in a container before you can realize it's gone, you know, and and so Aaron and I are like Sri Lankans, right? What the heck what are you even talking about, you know, and and so you know, he just kind of said like That you know, they will come over and they'll scout cars and then they steal them load them up and get them out of there So quickly that the Japanese police can't even really like follow the trail. Yeah, because it's already gone, right? You know, and so um, you know, I asked him and he said You know, I was like, hey, what what's up with the Sri Lankans, you know, and he's like You know, he's like the exact examples that I can only really give you one right now and he said um There's a guy with a Bathurst Rx7 and it was stolen right outside the guys apartment and the guy heard it start up Oh, I bet he did yeah, he heard it start up and so he's on like the fourth or fifth story hanging over his balcony like yelling like trying to get people's attention as the dudes are stealing his car um and And the guy was recording them stealing his car. Yeah, and uh It ended up all over the news and they were identified as Sri Lankans and then they had to ditch the car because When they were taking it to port they were seeing Their video of them taking it all over the news and they had to ditch it. Wow dude. Yeah, so he said that uh He's never had anything get stolen from him, but he also lives out in the countryside and like you know has like a newer car You know, he did have a 34 and all that but um he said yeah that that seems to be a trend right now is the the Sri Lankans are Are taking them exporting them and then you know, you kind of don't see him again to wherever they go. I don't know Africa They're not sending him to the US. No, no, no, no, no, I'm not a profile. Yeah, it's like always to the US You sent you send it over to To Africa or something like that That's like maybe a little less tracked and and that type of things a little less plentiful You can definitely get away with it, right? Yeah, you know the guy at the port of I don't know wherever Egypt or why I don't know wherever they're taking on right like but yeah, I mean So this does happen in Japan too, but it's not the Japanese people stealing the cars right? It's the people coming there because they know the value of some of these cars, you know Even let's just say in S15 there's value there right those are selling between you know first spec are between 30 and 45 Thousand dollars. Yeah, that's that's money when all you got to do is just you know Yeah, yeah exactly so um, but I mean, I've seen another story recently. It was a white R34 I believe that was stolen In Japan and they caught it at port right before it was to be loaded on really yeah, so I I feel like they do a decent job of You know check in the car. I feel like there's a lot caught at port. Yeah, I mean, I feel like they might be a little more thorough On the exporting side of Japan. Yeah, but I mean, I guess if you got it in a container or whatever the case may be like Yeah, they're cracking open every container Well, you write exactly and then also, you know, so what are you know some of these instances they could be Removing a lot of parts from the car and putting it in the separate container like there's all kinds of methods over the years right That's how you know, I had a 99 Civic Type R in 2008, you know what I mean Had that get here, right? I don't know, you know, so so that's one of those things right but So what sparked us for this episode was a recent post It made its rounds some of you guys hopefully have seen it and keeping your eye out But I'll I'll kind of read the post and so this is about a white 99 Skyline GTT Which was upbatched to a GTR. Oh, yeah, and so did this come back to bite you Were importing an upbatched GTT. Do you think someone thought they were gonna GTR? Yes, absolutely Absolutely, I think so I think somebody thought that they were getting something they got swindled 150 when they got something that was worth 38 or 50 or whatever right so Here it is it had 131,000 miles It was stolen from the port of Tacoma the eb1 terminal in Washington state By a group of thieves who also stole a Porsche a Toyota Chaser and one other unnamed vehicle and so it was stolen from uh a company called Rare Garage Auto and Pretty much they're asking for help that if you see the car or any of its parts Give them a text or hit them up on IG and so again, it was a 99 34 GTT with avs model fives You know yet had the whole 34 From bumper side skirts wing Anismo intercooler like a you know some decent low parts nothing super crazy I know the Chaser they did post that it was a red one and it was pretty sick and Kind of unique so I don't understand like they're kind of stealing unique ish Is it samples of Cars that are easy to spot. I guess you could say and I'm wondering if this is like all from Rare garage auto like I wonder if all of them were owned by them right Because they seem to be putting it out there about all of the cars If they're all owned by them either those were the only cars that came into port they were cool or Somebody there's some more connection here. There's more connection, you know like I'm no Sleuth or whatever it's called, but you know to me if somebody steals that amount of your cars Then you probably have something going on internally. Maybe you need to figure no wonder how it happened like how How can they get them out, you know like because as you know, yeah ports are pretty strict and with this happening The port is going to investigate and it's going to get more strict and it'll come out pretty quickly whether this was due to Being involved with people that maybe they shouldn't have been but like how do you think they steal a car from port? Yeah, I'm not sure like how do they steal you gotta have fake Credential or it was someone that works at the port that has in or right open the gate for their buddy Yeah, that's weird because that's usually a pretty secured area like and well there's for sure cameras. Yeah, that too There they can't There's for sure video surveillance. Yeah, I mean But like if you think about it at the port in New York, right? Yeah, dude. They're leaving the keys inside of all these I know that is the keys kind of great are in there right so so our situation. Okay, when we go to port You know, there's this big Gate and they he keeps it closed though. Yeah, that so that yeah, like and then there's like a man a Mandor type fence gate so You have to go in there you gotta talk to the security guy Then you gotta go in and get your paperwork and then you can go get the car and somebody walks you to the car Yeah, so and then you come back and you have to wait at the gate and then he opens it for you So how did they get that open? Yeah, like Yeah, I would love to see that video surveillance, but yeah, I would love to know how that happened too. I mean, it's gotta be someone Involved yeah some ways that there's no way that four guys just went in there and just like drove these cars through the fence fast And a furious style jumped 67 feet, you know what I mean now it's bridge. Yeah, that's not how it works, you know So I'd be interested to hear that and and if you do You know see any of these parts for sure hit up You know this garage, but How can so so to wrap this up kind of right? How can these things be avoided like how can how can you Detur some one From this from stealing your car. How do you how do you eliminate that? Yeah, well, I mean the easiest way obviously is to Park in a safe spot, you know, but that's not always always possible and well, I think you have a quick example of that right like Maybe this doesn't have to do with JDM car, but this has to do with you know, maybe This is something that that you know and and I would be a victim of this also is overconfidence and In your situation right being overconfident in the fact that you're only you know, you're parking here and you're only going 10 or 15 feet away, right? Yeah I mean and when I lived in Nashville I took my G 35 to this taco truck at this market down the street mile from my house Okay, I get out of the car turn the car off. I leave the keys in it cars not running though So I'm literally 10 feet away. I'm parked right next to this taco truck. I make my order Step down looking at my phone. I hear my car back up Pill off. I'm like What? Like what just happened? So I mean yeah, my car got stolen because Obviously I left the keys in the ignition, but you know, I was just 10 feet away A mile away from my house like right you say for a confidence. Yeah, overconfidence. Could it easily been avoided by Having my keys right, so I mean, that's the first thing. I mean you just got to You can't get too comfortable. You can't get too comfortable. You can't get too relaxed You know, you got to think your car is going to get stolen everywhere you're going Be and you got to have you got to use these things every single time because the first time you don't might be the Time that it gets stolen you know what I mean So the first thing is obviously being smart parking where you can be safe if you don't have a garage and obviously like Know where you're parking on the street and be smart and yeah, take the moves to take your keys lock your doors like yeah You know even just locking the doors, you know, it's like duh Bobby you lock the doors But like that's one more layer of delay for them stealing your car, you know like Um, just running into 7/11. Well, dude. You just running into 7/11 could be the last time you drove that car Yeah, but locking your doors means they either got a Jimmy that or break the window and that that brings attention to them Which they don't like yeah exactly um Beyond that, you know having a car alarm can go a long way dude. I mean Yeah, they can be annoying when they're going off and they're not yours, but it could easily save Right, you know, I mean, it's annoying for a reason because it gets attention exactly right because think about it anytime you hear that You immediately look at that car. Yeah, you really do because you're like, oh who's the dink that set off? In their Subaru outback, right, right? You know It's just like who is this guy, but if that was let's just say a R32 GTSD Just blaring and you're like, oh, that's a nice car. Oh, what the hell's going on? What's that guy doing? You know, why is he trying to get into that car? Yeah Now that attention was annoying, but it brought attention to him and now he's probably boulding right and also another thing when doing a car alarm If you're not having an installed by a professional Like if you're doing it yourself, mm-hmm be sure that you're Tuck in the wires and kind of hiding the install of it So they don't just pop the hood cut the power wire to the battery, right? You know what I mean? It's not an easy disconnect So you also find that loose wire that they can just cut and it disables it right right so and that moves me on to my other one kill switches Very easy thing and you can be a simple. Yeah, they can be redundant too. Dude put one Behind your you know seat up under put one under your dash pull one under the passenger seat That you had to flip all three if you have to I mean whatever and have them control You know, you've definitely done that plenty like you see especially Like not to shit on the Honda boys, but again like on Honda tech back in the day That's what you would see right you would see two to three kill switches in random places and it's gonna disable the car to the point that by the time They find the two out of the three they feel so much anxiety because it's taking them so long, you know Right, right and like what you're doing when you're doing that is you're slowing them down That's like giving you more of a chance to catch them or Giving them more of a chance to think they're gonna get caught and get out of there Which is which is fine, you know you want to want it to take them as long as possible To to take your car and and so to touch on that you know like Guys will be like oh kills. Who's y'all that's so you know whatever early 2000s. Oh, you know But like some of these simple things, you know really do work. They really do same with yeah like a steering wheel lock Yeah sounds lame right yeah club the club yeah sounds lame But again, you're trying to slow them down and that's going to slow them down because now they have to break or disable that right in order to reach their goal Which is taken off with your car exactly and Also to speak on that Quickly steering wheels also a pretty take that take put it in your backpack take it inside with you right right absolutely and I believe in our G even makes Locks like a lockout that you know has a key in everything on itself. So If you don't have a steering wheel it would be very hard, but however, you know doesn't stop like in your buddy situation Flatbed come and take it up. So yeah, yeah, I mean in that I you know That's not the way that you know I'd assume at least 85% of the people stealing cars are not stealing with them with a flatbed. They're stealing them With the methods we're talking about right right so but you know with the flatbed uh You got to have a way to track your car I guess you could say yeah, that's 2024 2024. Do yeah, you can get GPS trackers for fairly cheap without Without any kind of subscription or anything like that. Yeah, you can also get Remote kill switches that will kill the car, but like obviously if they can toad off That doesn't matter, but the GPS will track or yet and another thing install goes a long way on something like that because the thief is smart They're gonna be looking for it Something like that because that's a very common thing especially in newer cars. Yeah, and so They make now they make GPS trackers that are like stickers and they're almost as As thin as a sticker and everything is in that little bit in the sticker and so Take off your door panel put it on the inside of the door panel. Yeah, put it somewhere where this guy has to dig right Yes, a really dig which takes him more time which gives you more time right uh this s14 back here When I got it You know at the driver side window had a little The switch was broken that auto switch remember and and so we're replacing it and I take off the door panel and outfalls an air tag Yeah, and I'm like what the hell yeah, and then I realized like oh, okay this air tag was you know This guy the previous owners attempt at at least trying to make sure that he might be able to track it in case somebody stole it and You know, I don't necessarily recommend air tags simply because of the proximity that you need to be yeah in order to actually track it Don't they kind of warn you if you're being followed by an air tag like if you were a thief yeah You have an iPhone and you just got this car loaded with air tags You're gonna get alerts that you're being followed by air tags, right? Yeah, and then so then that's gonna tip you off Which didn't that that happened with Jesse Jesse he our buddy Jesse somebody threw an air tag on his 34 GTR in Japan and they I don't know if they actually followed him but he Brought it over to space auto to change the oil or something like that and it was on his exhaust heat shield with a magnet And he found him was like dude what the hell like who why would they even want to track me like yeah, so I mean There are definitely some ways that you can protect yourself. I mean plenty of ways. We didn't even necessarily mention I mean dude they you can buy a boot for your own car. That's what I was gonna say when you were talking about the flatbed I'm like like yeah, you can buy four wheels you can like you know depending on where you live and how worried you are Yeah, I mean you can't be too safe when let's just say you bought a 34 GTR right you paid 120 plus for it I don't see how you could be too safe right right like I pull chain it to the toe yeah, yeah, yeah, literally yeah get the Put a leash on that. Yeah, but at least on it. Yeah, I mean dude keep your baby safe Yeah, don't be embarrassed because you're the one doing these things like because you're not gonna be embarrassed when the cars not stolen You know, I mean But we care so much about these cars and unfortunately they are from the 90s right and security wasn't up to par You know there there weren't some of these You know different even Our subscription not prescription subscription things like on star that can like you said cut the vehicle track the vehicle You know there wasn't that stuff so you know we definitely wouldn't wish This on anyone, you know Because again just like our buddy Dave that can cut you right down to the bone and like that can be the end of it I mean dude when I got my B3G 35 stolen it was I was heartbroken. Yeah, no for sure like you feel sick to your stomach is just the worst feeling ever Yeah, because it's like a violation that like doesn't really happen all the time right and so when it does it can definitely break you up but Yeah, I mean if we we miss something that's super pertinent that you could Use as a theft deterrent. Please hit us in the DMs You know let us know so that we can just add this to our list and you know anyone else who talks to us about It we can throw that at them But we wish the guys over here at the garage where the cars get stolen pervage Yeah rare garage we're hoping that they're able to recover these in good shape Unfortunately in this type of thing every day is another day that you know these these have the opportunity to Kind of part this out cut it up and it's gone. Yeah, you know But for the big episode 80 we appreciate you listening along with us as always Make sure to share the podcast with your mother your brother your buddies whatever it is we'd love to have them Oh, yeah, follow us on the socials hit us in the DM with any questions suggestions whatever you got at our HD G U I S and we'll see you for episode 81 next week. I'm Bobby. This is Aaron. See ya. Peace[Music]